Welcome. I've set up this site to display my comic illustration meanderings over the years. Here, I'll include a little
bit of history about myself and my sojourn in the world of comic book illustration.
I became interested in comics and art at the age of 5. My first experience with being published was my long and much
loved stint in the world of fanzines (aka small press) which lasted from the mid 70s to the 80s. I came to make many friends
during that time. Among them were George Lane, Bob Thistleton, Steve Addlesee, Jeff Cooke, Gary Barker, Jerry Foley, James
Kirtley, Matt Bucher, Steve Streeter, Darrell Goza, Deon Nuckols and a host of others. All ardent comics fans, writers, artists
and the like. Many of them were quite inspirational and influential.
I began my career in comics in 1985. While attending a comic convention, I showed some of my pencils to a representative
from David Anthony Kraft's COMICS INTERVIEW PUBLICATIONS. Liking my work (I had yet to be published at that time, with
the exception of numerous "fanzines") he told me that he would pass it on to the editor. Weeks later, I received
a letter asking if I would like to pencil and ink an 8-page back up story in an issue of SOUTHERN KNIGHTS, their flagship
title. I accepted. I was later asked to illustrate another back up in the following issue. They were pleased with
my work and assigned me several issues of SK to pencil. This relationship lasted for about 5 years. In that time, I pencilled
a number of issues. I illustrated the cover and logo for the CARL & LARRY CHRISTMAS SPECIAL, designed the new Southern
Knights logo, pencilled the 4-issue DRAGON limited series (as well as illustrated the covers and designed the logo), as well
as the same for the 3-issue limited series MAGNA MAN: THE LAST SUPER-HERO, written by former Marvel Comics Assistant Editor
and writer, Dwight Jon Zimmerman.
The exposure allowed me to acquire assignments with other companies over the years. I illustrated an issue of THE VITAL
MAN (Budgie Press), a cover for SKY COMICS' SKY COMICS PRESENTS, as well as the cover and interiors of THE SEEKER #1 and the
interiors of issue #2, the covers and interiors of issues #3-6 of their 6-issue mini-series collaboration with CALIBER PRESS
entitled STORMQUEST, as well as designs for some of their POWERCARDS Gaming/Trading Cards. I also pencilled pages for STRATEIA
PRESS', THE EMISSARY, a cover for an issue of CALIBER PRESS' OZ, and several issues for MALIBU COMICS (The Ferret, The Protectors,
Ex-Mutants and Gravestone). I did a children's comic called THE GREEN STREET KIDS CHRISTMAS SPECIAL for SILVERLINE PRODUCTIONS
and finally, my last major project was the character designs for a 60-second, 3-D animated promotional spot for the STARZ
Kids! cable channel launched in December of 2003. Of late (the past couple of years), I've done projects for Atlantis Studios.
On the back-burner, but not out for the count is my first creator-owned project that I've been working on sporadically
entitled, REDEEMER: SOULS ON THE SACRED PATH. It is a project that was conceived 13 years ago, and I am only now finding
the time to proceed with it. I am writing, pencilling, inking, lettering and coloring it. I know, a humongous undertaking,
but, I'm enjoying every minute of it. My intention is to shop it around to various publishers and see who bites. Should it
take off, I have several other concepts I'd like to put out there. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
Photo taken Nov. 2002 at Jerry Green & Friends nightclub.
08/18/04 - I had made an inquiry to Denis Kitchen concerning acquiring an agent to represent me tothe industry.
Let's face it, an agent could definitely open doors that I couldn't access on my own. His reply stated that my work was of
such caliber that there would definitely be a publisher out there interested in my work. I'm still looking for an agent, but
I guess I'll be doing some of my own footwork as well.
What's New?
Well, the Christmas season is upon us. No doubt, we all are running around like
chickens with their heads chopped off. I've suspended some of the work on Redeemer (Just the digital colors. I'm attempting
to employ a better technique. Wish me luck).
Anyway, just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a joyus New Year.
And, anyone out there of a different religious belief, I wish you all the best in whatever faith you aspouse to. Peace on
earth, good will to men can't offend one from any religion.
08/09/06 I have posted anything here in more than a month of Sundays. To be quite
honest, there hasn't been a lot to say. A few personal misfortunes (but this site isn't here for that kind of thing), but
nothing really concerning comics, art, etc...until now.
I've just recently hooked up with a company called ATLANTIS STUDIOS (see link).
They are a media firm that produces custom full-color comics, storyboards for the film industry, licensed tie-ins, etc. I'm
working on a 22 page comic for them called SUPER-PSYCHE. Hopefully, if this turns out well, I'll be doing a lot more for them.
As you can see, some of the links have changed. Some are new, some have closed
and/or fallen by the wayside. In any event, I hope to be posting some new artwork here in the near future. Until then....
All right, I'm back again. A 22
page project for Atlantis Studios completed, and another on the board. Hopefully, this will be the start of something on a
regular basis. Other than than that, there's really not a whole lot to report.
I'm on the road to recovery after surgery for an Abdominal
Aortic Aneurysm. Not a fun procedure, but the alternative is even less desirable. I had a project lined up with Atlantis Studios
that would've been perfect for my time in recovery, but it fell through. Really sucks, but, what can ya' do? Keep on pluggin'
Today was the day of my follow up appointment
at the vascular clinic. Finally, after exactly 3 weeks, the staples were removed. Not the harrowing experience I expected.
Still uncomfortable, though. Now, the itching begins. Also, I was told that the procedure carried through pretty closely to
some nerve endings, thusly, I have sharp, electric-like nerve pain in both inner/upper thighs. I have been assured that this
is both normal and temporary.
Alright, so I know it's been nigh on to eternity
since I last placed an entry in here. Many apologies. Latest news...stepping away from the medical stuff...Believe it or not,
Louisville, KY...Derby City...the Bluegrass State...was hit with a hurricane. Yep. Ike hit that far inland. There was no rain,
but there were damaging winds. Power was knocked out for about 300,000 people. As of today, they are still saying it'll be
10-14 days before power is fully restored. Believe it or not, I'm making thins entry from a hotel lobby. Hopefully, power
will be restored pretty soon and I can get back to my "own" computer.
Well, Here it is.
First entry of the new year. I hope to make many more. Actually, I have plans to do somewhat of a re-vamp of this site. New
photo, maybe a little new artwork and music. Anyway, there's not really a whole lot to report. Work on Redeemer: Souls
on the Sacred Path has been suspended, pending a rewrite. I keep getting new ideas that would make it better, but would also
somewhat negate some of what I had already done with the artwork. I, think I'll probably be starting over from scratch. We
I lay it out this time, it'll definitely be bigger and better. Also, I've been knocking around a few ideas for other series,
and may concentrate on those to give me a break from Redeemer. I'm looking to get real busy this year. Or, in the immortal
words of Randy Quaid in Independence Day....."Hello, Boys! I'm Baaaaaaccck!"